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The Face on the Milk Carton

Book Review: Write TWO paragraphs.

Paragraph 1 - Summary (4-6 sentences)

- Make sure to include the characters, setting, climax/problem, and solution/conclusion.

Paragraph 2- Opinion (6-10 sentences)

- Write about why you like or dislike the book.

- What was your favorite part? Did you like the ending?

- Talk about the author’s style of writing.

- Explain whether you would recommend this book to others or not.



Alice Ham
Alice Ham
Apr 12, 2022

This book, "The Face on the Milk Carton," is a book about a girl named Jamin Johnson. She was sitting at lunch, drinking her friend's milk. She l0oked at the back of the carton to see who has been kidnapped, but her name was written there. She got shocked and thought about it all day until she found a box labeled "H" with a picture of a girl named Hannah. Jamie found out that her real mom is Hannah, and her parents are her grandparents. She discovered that her real mother, Hannah, joined the cult, and her grandparents took her to rescue her from harm. With the help of Reeve, Jamie's friend, Jamie figured out where her real family is.…


DY Yoo
DY Yoo
Nov 02, 2021

Jennie Johnson was a girl with her family in Connecticut. She was living a normal life, when she saw herself on a milk cartoon for being kidnapped. She is filled with questions, so she decides to dig deeper. One day she goes into the attic of her house and finds out a person named Hannah. Her parents explain that Hannah was her actual mother. However, Jennie didn’t believe this. She talked with her boyfriend Revee, and he talked with his soon to be lawyer sister. Revee’s sister found out about all of the details and told Jennie’s mom and dad. Jennie finally called her real parents to see what would happen next.

Overall, this was an awfully sad book that…


Cleo Chang
Cleo Chang
Oct 06, 2020

In the "Face On The Milk Carton is about a 15 year old girl named Janie Johnson. She was drinking a mil carton until she saw her younger self on the front of the milk carton. She questioned it and she tries look deeper into the story. When her parents left she went to check their things she finds something unbelievable. She then meets a boy named Reeve. He helps her try to find her real parents. When Janie confronted her parents and was. told that Hannah their own "daughter" birthed Janie and gave her to them to care of. Although she confronted them she didn't believe them. As she kept doing her research she found out that her real…


Ryan Shim
Ryan Shim
Oct 05, 2020

The Face on the Milk Carton

What if your parents kidnapped you? This happened to 15-year-old Janie Johnson. As usual, she was eating lunch in the cafeteria. But then, she saw the face of the girl in the milk carton. She looked familiar. She realized: it was herself: when she was three years old. Which means, her parents kidnapped her. As Janie was shocked, she pulled up the carton and flattened it and put it on the diary. She had many hobbies every month, so she wasn’t worried about that, but there was a lot of nonsense. 

She had so many questions, but she couldn’t ask them because she didn't know what would happen. So, when it was Monday, when…


Nathan Jung
Nathan Jung
Oct 05, 2020

The Face On The Milk Carton is about a 15 year old girl and her life as a high school student. One day, she sees a face on her milk carton at lunch of a missing girl. She keeps seeing the girl until she realizes that somehow, that girl was her younger self. As she begins to restore her memories of her childhood, she discovers that her real parents with the help of her friend Reeve and her parents. Her parents tell her that she was the daughter of their daughter, Hannah. However, she keeps searching and learns that she was born to the Springs. Her and her boyfriend go to New Jersey and the book ends with …

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