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Book Review: Write TWO paragraphs.

Paragraph 1 - Summary (4-6 sentences)

- Make sure to include the characters, setting, climax/problem, and solution/conclusion.

Paragraph 2- Opinion (6-10 sentences)

- Write about why you like or dislike the book.

- What was your favorite part? Did you like the ending?

- Talk about the author’s style of writing.

- Explain whether you would recommend this book to others or not.



Simple Ethan
Simple Ethan
Oct 27, 2020

A boy named Marty sees a dog that keeps following him he named him Shilo named after an old school house. Later he finds out that it is Judd's hunting dog, Judd treats his dogs badly so Marty keeps him for several days. He feeds him leftovers of things he had then one day a German Shepard comes and damages the dog. His whole family finds out and takes Shilo to the doctor Shilo heals. Judd finds out and becomes furious then about a week later Judd tells Marty that if he works for two hours everyday two weeks then he can have the dog. After Marty works for Judd for two weeks Shilo is Marty's.

I think the book…


Unknown member
Oct 14, 2020

Marty and his family were eating d inner but Marty wasn't hungry so he left to walk in the hills. That was were he found a beagle who he named Shiloh. Turns out the owner was Judd Travers so Matty's dad takes Shiloh to Judd's house were he abuses his dogs. Some time later Shiloh comes back and Matty hides him. Later on Matty tells there family the secret but one day shiloh gets hurt and they need to go to the vet. The doctor tells Judd and he took Shiloh away. Then Matty saw that Judd had hunted a baby deer which was illegal so they made a deal he would work for Judd for twenty hours and the…


Oct 13, 2020

Marty Preston lives with his mom, dad, and his sister. When he finds a dog up in the woods, his parents tell him it is Judd’s dog. He returned it sadly(Judd speaks like he would treat them badly). The following day, he got the dog from Judd (when he was hunting)secretly and named the dog Shiloh. Marty hides the dog in their property without their parents knowing. He gave half of his food to Shiloh. Soon, a week later a German Shepherd bit Shiloh and they took Shiloh to the hospital. Judd gets mad, but he lets Marty keep it in a trade of 40 dollars.

Overall, I liked the book because it was intense how Judd gets mad.…

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