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Introduce your favorite book!

Make sure to include the book title and the author's name.

For grades 5 and under,

Write a 6-8 sentences summary.

- Make sure to include the characters, setting, climax/problem, and solution/conclusion.

For grades 6 and up,

Book Review: Write TWO paragraphs.

Paragraph 1 - Summary

- Make sure to include the characters, setting, climax/problem, and solution/conclusion.

Paragraph 2- Opinion

- Write about why you like or dislike the book.

- What was your favorite part? Did you like the ending?

- Talk about the author’s style of writing.

- Explain whether you would recommend this book to others or not.



Dec 02, 2021

The story starts with some children going to the home of a professor. Then we are introduced to the characters Petter the oldest, Susen the second oldest, Edmund the third oldest, and Lucy the youngest. They go to sleep hoping that they would be able to play outside the next day. It unfortunately rains so they explore. Lucy goes into a wardrobe and discovers Narnia she meets a Fauns and has tea with and it turns out that he was supposed to kidnap her but he lets her go and tells us about the White witch she calls herself queen and she is evil. In Narnia it has been hours but it was only a minute in the real world.…


Jason Ko
Jason Ko
Jan 13, 2021

Title: Anne of Green Gables

Author: L.M Montgomery

It is about 2 parents named Matthew and Marilla who are trying to adopt a 12 year old boy to help with their work at Green Gables. The form gets messed up and they end up having a 12 year old girl instead. They start to like her personality and decide to have her instead. She gets to meet people at Green Gables and meets friends at her school. She does sometimes gets in trouble like when she almost sunk in the lake of shining waters or when she accidentally dyed her hair green thinking the bottle was black dye. One day her parents signed her up for a special class that…


Ryan Shim
Ryan Shim
Sep 21, 2020

Title: Hunger Games

Author: Suzanne Collins

Katniss went to the hunger games in place of her sister, and the deadly game started.

Then, everyone was fighting to the death.After that, only two of the survivors remained, but there was only one chair to them.When they were arguing who would be first place, both of them were declared as winners.

In my opinion, the book was neither great nor bad. Also, it took five hours to read this one book! I did not have any favorite parts. However, I liked the ending. It was a significant ending because it was an open ending. I just finished reading a one book, and I can tell that It has an enormous outlook, but…


Doyun Park
Doyun Park
Sep 08, 2020

Title: Little Pilgrim's Progress

Author: Helen L. Taylor

This book is about a boy who lived with a father when his mom died shortly after he was born. Then a weird women came to him and said if you go to Celestial City you could find your mother. So he went to a trip to Celestial City. After several tests he find a cross then thump! Another guy has came but, have skip the tests. He warned that if you don't pass the tests you will get punishments from the king of the Celestial City but he didn't went. Then suddenly an angle gave him a clean cloth and said " wear the cloth to go in."

He worn the…


Jason Ko
Jason Ko
Sep 02, 2020

Title: The Giver

Author: Lois Lowry

When a boy named Jonas gets ready for his ceremony of 12 he feels feelings and weird things happening to him.When he gets to the ceremony of 12 his number didn’t get called out for what his job will be.After everyone got called out the chief elder gave an announcement that Jonas had the job of the receiver of memory.Where he had to contain physical pain and feelings that were good and bad so that people don’t need to feel pain and horror.I liked the book because Jonas was brave and courageous.My favorite part was when the chief elder talked about Asher,Jonas’ best friend saying snack too fast ending up sounding like smack an…

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